Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have always been interested in genealogy. My active participation in research ebbs and flows based on my time and the tools I have around me. But I've discovered a cool new tool that is causing a resurgence in my ancestral investigation.

I've discovered This great web page is similar to social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace. I can invite my family members who can join and add the information they have on their family members.

On the first day, I personally added 100 names. In just 10 days, there are now more than 530 people listed in my tree, most of them added by other family members. How cool is that!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Spanish Love Song

Maybe it is due to the distance between my wife and I right now (she's visiting family in North Carolina.) Or maybe it is because I keep trying to get my daughter to showcase her language skills. Whatever reason, I had to share this video!

Tag: Books

I've received my first meme tag, a kind of viral "who are you" process by which you self-reveal information to the blogosphere. This one comes from Mike Comfort.

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating!
2. Find page 123
3. Find the first 5 sentences
4. Post the next 3 sentences
5. Tag 5 people

Those who know me well know that I don't read a ton. But the book closest to where I sit is "The Billboard Guide to Contemporary Christian Music."

"Changing labels again, this time to Diadem, (Kim) Boyce released As I Am in 1997. This Adult Contemporary-slanted offering featured such key songs as the title track and "Amazing Love for Me," a duet about parenthood and sacrifice sung with her husband, musician Gary Koreiba. In recent years, Boyce has been active as a speaker at Christian inspirational conferences and other events."

I tag:
1. Josh
2. Jen
3. Janelle
4. Rich
5. Matt

Friday, February 15, 2008

A First

My previous blog entry dealt with taking HS students to the coast where they will be helping direct a Jr. High retreat. One of those going, was my daughter Kara. Then about 5 hours later, Zach left to be an attendee of the same camp. I believe this marks the first weekend that both kids are gone on the same weekend and the parents are left kidless. Yikes... they're growing up!!!

Great Minds

Today I drove the planning committee for Jr. High Jamboree to Twin Rocks (our church camp on the Oregon Coast). This group of eight High School students help to plan and organize a weekend getaway for junior high students from our church denomination. I really enjoyed being a “fly on the wall” as these bright students chatted about school politics, social issues, musical preferences, relationships, and more. I found this group to be articulate, thoughtful, and energetic.

We often hear the negative things about today’s youth, with all the problems of drugs, violence, and ambivalence to the real problems of the world. But I found great comfort in knowing that these young people were already becoming movers and shakers in our community and our world. I was honored to be in the company of these great minds as they openly discussed their involvement in the world around them. I am glad that I am a part of their community.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oops, Thet cAint bee Wright

I recently saw a widget on Mike Comfort's blog that supposedly rates your blog for readability. When I ran it on my page, I was shocked. I'm not sure I agree with the results, but here you go:

blog readability test