Monday, January 7, 2008

Kewl Links

My friend Sherri often lists some of the cool web links she has found. So, I'm going to follow suite with my offerings:

  • with my new attempt at watching my caloric and cholestorlic (?) intake, this site proved interesting.

  • Inca Cola! Many of us Peruvian missionary kids love this stuff. Now you can buy it here in the U.S.

  • Oregon Media Insiders an interesting way to stay up on the news of the inner workings of Oregon's media outlets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is awesome! I loved Inca Cola as a kid in Bolivia, and never thought I'd get to taste it again. I think I'll get a 6-pack to celebrate my birthday next month. This is a great find, Dave!

Also, on the site I was pleased to find my favorite, Coke, beat Pepsi with less calories, less carbs AND less caffiene (and still tastes better!)

Life is good.