Thursday, March 20, 2008

Customer Service at Chapters

One of my intents of maintaining this blog was to discuss business issues. I really am a fan of small business and love to read and learn about individuals who have the tenacity to start their own companies. I also enjoy hearing about good (and bad) business practices and their effect on customers, industries, and communities. So here is my first business blog entry.

A common theme that will run throughout this section is Customer Service. I am a huge believer in providing quality goods and services in a friendly and fair manner. I think that customer service is an art that many people take for granted, but only a few truly master. I try to reward positive service by telling not only the person who gave it to me, but also their supervisor or business owner (and now the blog world).

One place I consistently receive good customer service is at Chapters in Newberg. I go to this bookstore / coffee shop twice a week to meet with friends and family. On Thursdays, the barista is Kat. The other day she had a sample of my favorite drink ready for me when I walked in the door. They were trying out a new blend of Chai Tea and she wanted my opinion. Before I could finish the small tasting, she had my drink ready for me. I hadn’t ordered it, but she knows my regular cup of choice and had it prepared. With all the people that come in to the store each morning, I’m impressed that she knows me, my drink preferences, and my routine well enough to have my Chai ready for me when I walk in. This has become consistent behavior. This is above and beyond the call of duty. This goes beyond a pleasant demeanor. This is true customer service.

Thanks, Kat!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I'm glad SOMEBODY gets good service at Chapters. You would know I want them to succeed; I fully believe in supporting local businesses. I I get consistently bad service there, and I'm not all that hard to please. Maybe if I shave my head....